Just dance Different figures dance the screen
1´40 sec. / stereo 
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OctaneRender ...is an insane rendering engine, that gives photorealstic results - watch my first test with Octane.
0´40 sec. / stereo 
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Desert-Race I threw a kart in the desert.0´25 sec. / stereo 
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"World Of Color" Half a million particles, hair and two lights0´29 sec. 
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"Fancy spheres" Dynamic effects on glowing spheres0´30 sec. 
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iPhone 4s Little exercise0´10 sec. 
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Page turns advanced Often used in advertising: Page turns0´10 sec. 
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Strandbeests Kinetic sculptures by Mr. Theo Jansen33 + 52 sec. 
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Little ideal world How a little ideal world comes up out of nothing11 sec. 
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1000 + 8 feet 16 sec. |  |
Mathematical Iterations A technique that offers stunning effects0´53 min. 
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MoGraph-test nailboard 0´32 min.
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Dancing Spheres Dancing spheres and more...42 sec. 
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Q to beŽ Productfilm for Q to beŽ. Q to beŽ is a leading provider of Sourcing- und Service-Management-Software 2´57" min. 
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Nothing Unexpected 0´29 min.
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Softbodies-test Dynamic processes inside of flexible and closed bodies0´49 min. 
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Typo Ani "NoMograph" Looks like MoGraph - but it´s not!0´12 sec. 
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